Bags Production Process

Through our expert sales representatives bags according to your needs and style of printing , printing number of colors , bag handle preferences, quantity. etc. will give you a price quote based on the information prepared .
A message that can express or objects görselleþtirip decorations for we , at the request we design graphics work or current graphic design on your changes we've made before printing for your approval , if any, at the request necessary adjustments are made , bag sizes appropriate cliches are prepared.
According to your order bags of low density of the material , or granular high-density polyethylene raw material is the process of shooting in movie format .
From one color , printing up to 8 colors of the latest technology in our machine park prints are made according to your order .
  Bag your final cutting and slicing from the stage and then shipped to your company provided.
    Veritaban balants salanamad.